Lent will arrive soon and with it, in many of us, the intention to stop eating meat. For the next forty days I will be sharing with you my recipes that I grew up eating this season. We start with the classic nopales. Nopales is something that I am used to eating not only this season, but all year round. They are delicious, super healthy and easy to prepare so don’t stop making them often. Today we will make a nopales salad and this salad can be eaten alone, in tacos, on toast or you can accompany it with any dish.
I hope you enjoy them and that they become a part of your home, as they are mine.
Cactus Salad
Wash your cactus and chop them.
Put them to boil in water, 1/2 of an onion and salt to taste. Let boil for about 20-25 minutes or until the cactus has turned to a dark green color.
Remove the cactus from the water, wash them and strain them.
Put the cactus inside a bowl and add chopped, tomato, onion, jalapeno, cilantro and salt to taste. Mix and serve.
You may find all these ingredients in our market or at a Hispanic Supermarket in your area.
Visit our Lent traditions for more recipes for the Lenten season and if you make this recipe share a picture with us.
Ensalada de Nopales
Lave las pencas de nopal y pique las.
Ponga las a cocer en agua con 1/2 cebolla y sal al gusto. Deje cocer por 20-25 minutos.
Tire el agua en donde coció los nopales y lave los nopales en agua y deje que se escurran.
Ponga los nopales en un tazón. Piqué tomate, cebolla, chile jalapeño y cilantro y agregue esto a los nopales con sal al gusto. Mezcle los ingredientes y sirve.
Podrás encontrar todos estos ingredientes en nuestro mercado o en un Supermercado Hispano de tu zona.
Visita nuestras tradiciones de Cuaresma para obtener más recetas para la temporada de Cuaresma y, si haces esta receta, comparte una foto con nosotros.